Welcome to media training!
Stefan Korol

What is media training?
Media training is the structured and professional preparation for a performance with and in the media: statement, interview, press conference, editorial meeting; but also podium discussion, talk show or corporate film. And this, first of all, has nothing to do with critical journalist questions, but with the ability to communicate intelligibly, interestingly and empathically. In media training you will recognize what journalists expect from you as an interview partner and how you can meet these expectations and thus become a proficient and successful media partner. And, of course, how you can achieve your own goals.
How does media training work?
What´s new?


Do it
Action! The camera is running. “Aha, that’s how it feels…“ It´s more stressful than you imagined. That’s where good preparation helps. No matter if it’s an interview for the newspaper or for the radio, television or online.
“How do I look? Why did I do it that way?“ And many more things come to mind when we watch and listen to your interview together. Much will be suddenly clear. And logical. Congratulations — now you understand “interviews.“
The most common interview mistakes
It’s been nearly 30 years, with hundreds of seminars, trainings, and coachings. But the bottom line is I always see the same mistakes. And give the same tips…
Click on image opens slideshow. (Click on „X“ top right closes slideshow.)
The interview: A drama in three acts
Giving a good interview is not easy. And that has nothing to do with intelligence — or stupidity. But there are two completely different types that one meets in an interview: Eddie Expert and Willy Important.
A humorous, exaggerated interview drama in three acts. And that in under seven minutes…
Have lots of fun with it!
(An english version is in progress)
References (Excerpt)
Trilux GmbH Arnsberg, Sony Mobile Deutschland, Yahoo Deutschland, BMW München, Philips Deutschland, Jochen Schweizer Gruppe, Zühlke Engineering Eschborn, Haeberlein&Mauerer AG München, AO Deutschland Ltd., Mediamarkt-Saturn-Gruppe Ingolstadt, VDI Düsseldorf, Faktor 3 AG Hamburg, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield…
Stefan Korol
Person & Profession
– 30 years of media coaching. Founder and longtime chairman of the Federal Association of Media Trainers in Germany e.V. (www.bmtd.de).
– 20 years as journalism professor at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin / Bonn.
– 20 years in television: editor, reporter, presenter, author, producer. Among others at RTL, Sat1, VOX, NDR, WDR, MDR, Rias Berlin, and various production companies.
– Trainer and seminar leader for journalism, radio, and television at the Academy of Journalism, Hamburg.

Tel: 0171 / 8323 471